03; The game begins

“What do you know about Park Raeyeon?” Yonghwa asked as Jungshin appeared in front of him.

Jungshin frowned. “You’re interested in the Ice Princess?” he asked and took a sit.

“Oh come on,” he paused and leaned closer to Jungshin. “You know my work,” he said.

Jungshin laughed. “Of course..Here’s all the information I have,” he muttered while handing Yonghwa the documents. “She’s different than her father. She’s more to the kind type but cold.”

Yonghwa looked at Jungshin for a while before settling his eyes on the document. “Her treatment was friendly enough with me,” He flipped the papers. “Ideal guy?” he laughed. “Yah! What’s this?”

“I fit that title perfectly,” Jungshin started to boast. “She loves tall guys,” he pointed to himself.

“Get yourself a girlfriend already,” Yonghwa exclaimed as he lightly hit Jungshin’s arm with the documents. “Thanks..” he stood up.



“Don’t trust me. I mean it,” Jungshin muttered solemnly.

“I know,” Yonghwa grinned.

When he was exiting the bar, he saw a guy. He eyed him and surprisingly, he went into the private room where Yonghwa and Jungshin were discussing just now. Yonghwa shrugged. He’ll just assumed his one of Jungshin’s customer.

On the other hand, in Park’s property, Lee Teuk bowed as he entered Shinman’s room. He mentioned about the bodyguard Shinman wanted to hire.

“And you say that you’ve found him?” Shinman questioned.

“Yes. He’s the best we could find. Although, he’s quite dangerous, I must say,” Lee Teuk answered. “Will it be okay?”

Shinman faced his back to Lee Teuk and peered at the night view through his window. “We need him to keep her safe,” he paused. “We don’t have any choice do we?”

Lee Teuk understood his boss. He may seem cold to his daughter, but he will do anything just to protect her from danger. She might not know it. But Lee Teuk assured she will, someday. “I shall have him here immediately,” he excused himself.

Shinman continued to stare beyond the scenery. ‘The game has begun…’

Kang Hyejin knocked on Jonghyun’s bedroom door. She swung it open and saw Jonghyun with his jeans. Only. “Oh? Hyejin ah~ What’s wrong?” he asked.

Hyejin cupped her face. “Argh! Oppa! Mianhe mianhe. I’ll come back..” she said and slammed the door shut. She let out a relief sigh. “That was so close.”

Seconds later, Jonghyun came out from his room. This time, fully dressed. He chuckled. “You should wait for the ‘come in’ part,” he mentioned and ruffled her hair.

“Aish!” she pushed his hand away. “It was an accident..” she muttered shyly.

“You’re forgiven,” Jonghyun smiled. “So, what did you need me for?” he asked.

“It’s about the assassin we hired. Any news about him?”

“Oh, He has been accepted. He’ll check in today,” meaning check in Raeyeon’s house.

“Yay! I can’t wait to see what will happen,” Hyejin mentioned excitedly.

“Are you sure this is the right thing?” Jonhyun asked while staring at Hyejin’s face. “I don’t want you to regret anything,” he continued. “Park Raeyeon’s life means a lot, you know.” He added. At some point, Jonghyun is uncomfortable with Hyejin’s decision on hiring Yonghwa to kill Raeyeon. Killing people is a big issue. If something bad happen, she’ll regret it. But he trust Yonghwa on this. Although he was an assassin, he knew Yonghwa has a warm heart. He just hoped Yonghwa wouldn’t pull the trigger too fast.

Hyejin didn’t answer Jonghyun’s question. Instead, she just stared at him wanting to know the answer herself. The reason she hated Raeyeon was mainly because Park Shinman killed her father. While she lives her life without a dad, Raeyeon happily live hers.

It was 10p.m. and Raeyeon was yawning none-stop. She was reading her favourite novel when someone came and knocked on the door. Lazily, she dragged her feet towards the door and swung it open. She yawned. “Yes?” she cleared her vision.

“Hey,” Yonghwa greeted her.

“Hey..” she smiled back. But then she noticed the person in front of her. Instead of leaning towards the door lazily, she stood up straight. “I mean what are you doing here?” she stuttered.

Then she realized the assistant, Lee Teuk stood beside Yonghwa. “Miss Raeyeon. Although it seems like you’ve met him before. I’ll introduce him to you once again. This is Jung Yonghwa. From now on, he’ll be your bodyguard. His room is next door. You could knock if you want anything from him,” Lee Teuk explained.

“What do you mean.. he’s.. my bodyguard?” Raeyeon asked while her eyes were on Yonghwa from head to toe.

“You heard me. I shall not repeat any long sentences,” Lee Teuk grinned. “Now if you excuse me. I have some matters to do,” he said and strode to the other parts of the house.

Raeyeon’s eyes were still attached to the black hair guy in front of her. She crossed her arms. “So..” she spoke. “Our coincidence the other day was actually a planned coincidence, I see?” she started.

“You could say that,” Yonghwa grinned.

“Don’t smile with such flatteries, mister,” she warned.

“I see your flatteries overcome mine, Miss Raeyeon. Tell me, do I attract you that much?”

Raeyeon could see a smirk craved on his face. “I should ask you the same thing. Isn’t that the reason you’re here?”

“You’re good..”

“You don’t say..”

“True as the rumors say. The Ice princess,”  Yonghwa stated while creasing his eyebrow. “Please to meet you again, Park Raeyeon. I’m your bodyguard from today on. Please take good care of me,” he bowed politely.

“Nice to meet you too, Jung Yonghwa,” she acknowledge him as her bodyguard. She smiled to herself and closed her door leaving Yonghwa with his bowing.

Yonghwa grinned and bit his lips. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he mentioned before making his way to his room.

As she heard Yonghwa closed his door. She let out a sigh and rested on her bed. While facing the ceiling, she wondered why did she need to have a bodyguard? Usually, a bodyguard is needed in times of danger. Is she? She tried to shake off her thoughts but such circumstances may be true.


Yonghwa lowered his gun. “Speak.” He said solemnly.

Satisfied with it, Jonghyun eyed the front door. Moments later, Hyejin marched in. She smiled to Yonghwa and stood beside Jonghyun. “We need you to haunt someone,” she paused and took out a picture.

Yonghwa grabbed the picture without hesitation and examined it. “You want me to kill a female?” and Jonghyun nodded. Yonghwa scoffed. “The reason?”

“You’ll understand someday. For now, we need you to disguise yourself as her new bodyguard. Get her to trust you-“

“And then I kill her?” Yonghwa interrupted. For him, the guy in front of him is crazy. He’s an assassin alright. But never did he kill a woman before.

“I guess there’s no need to explain more,” Hyejin smirked.


Raeyeon yawned and dragged her feet downstairs. There, she saw Lee Teuk with other two gentlemen. She didn’t know any of them. She found Yonghwa there too.  She came closer and stood beside her bodyguard and nudged him. Mouthing, ‘who’s that?’ to Yonghwa. Yonghwa shrugged and stared deeply to the both of the new men.

“This is Park Raeyeon,” Lee Teuk introduced her to them. “They are the new recruits.”

The guy who looks innocent bowed vigorously and shook her head. He wore skull ear rings. His brunette lay there clumsily and he had this unique face which makes you want to stare at them all day. The ones that look like Hyejin’s assistant, Jonghyun. “I’m Kim Jaejoong,” he said clumsily.

The other one, whom was shorter than Jaejoong, bowed to her. “I’m Kang Minhyuk. Please to meet you.” This guy looks arrogant. He may have a babyface like, but he looks calm and content.

Yonghwa can’t take his eyes of Minhyuk. He had seen him before. He was sure of it. Inside Jungshin’s private room in the bar if he was not mistaken. This Minhyuk guy is no game. He bet he came here for reasons. Yonghwa thought himself that he had to be extra careful with this guy.

“I’m Park Raeyeon and this is my bodyguard, Jung Yonghwa,” she said and the guys shook their heads. Her attention drifted to Lee Teuk. “Where’s appa?” she asked.

Lee Teuk glanced at her. He hesitated whether he should tell her or not. He looked away, “Having breakfast with Hyejin,” he muttered.

Yonghwa saw Raeyeon’s expression changed. Raeyeon faked a smile. “I see. Then, have fun you guys. I’ll excuse myself for a while,” she said and walked upstairs.

He watched as she disappeared and he too excused himself. Yonghwa knocked her door. “dae~?” Raeyeon called out and swung her door open.

“I’m hungry,” He pouted.

“If you think that I’m all sad and emotional. I’m not. Stop doing cute stuff,” she said while giving him the-what-the-heck-look.

Yonghwa smiled. “Well then, you’ve just admit I’m cute. So, let’s go out. I’ll be downstairs.” He said and shut the door.

Perhaps, he did understand how she felt just now. He knew from the looks of her expression, she swallowed the whole thing up. Pretend everything is okay. Yonghwa scratched his head. ‘Females are having the same habit,’ he proclaimed.

Raeyeon looked at her reflection in the mirror. As much as her heart hurts, she wanted to feed herself. Depression does make a tummy growling. She put on a simple tee and faded jeans with her hair being tied up. She put on some powder on her face,lip gloss and she was ready to go.

“Let’s go, I’m hungry,” Raeyeon exclaimed as she went downstairs. But then, she noticed Lee Jonghyun stood there beside Yonghwa. “Oh? Jonghyun?” she exchanged glance with Yonghwa, then back to Jonghyun.

“Hyejin would like to invite you for a breakfast,” Jonghyun paused.

“with your dad,” Yonghwa added.

She smiled. “Sure, let’s go, Yonghwa,” she said and went out of the house. As she disappeared to the garage, Yonghwa faced Jonghyun. Jonghyun bowed and followed to where Raeyeon disappeared to. Strange things started to happen, Yonghwa wondered.

As they arrived at the café, Raeyeon sat on the table where her father and Hyejin sat. She greeted them and ordered her breakfast. Jonghyun and Yonghwa, as the assistant and bodyguard, stood by their boss’s side.

“So, Raeyeon, I’ve heard you’ve got a new bodyguard,” Hyejin started the conversation while feeding herself the pancake. Her eyes wondered to Yonghwa and she sent him a grateful smile.

Raeyeon grinned. “Seems like it,”

“Why don’t you behave yourself? Hyejin is asking you politely,” Shinman exclaimed.

Raeyeon nodded but she continued eating her breakfast. As she thought, it was better if she hadn’t opened her mouth at all. She should have eaten her breakfast and just by doing that, she had made her dad a favor.

However, without them knowing, someone was watching them-A marksman to be exact-pointing the sniper to its target. He smirked. “Target locked. 1..2..3..” he shoots without a bit of hesitation.

Yonghwa, Lee Teuk and Jonghyun heard the loud shot. Without hesitation, Yonghwa yanked Raeyeon to the floor, while Lee Teuk and Jonghyun covered Hyejin and Shinman. People started to scream.

Yonghwa was about to stand and looked around for enemies when Raeyeon grabbed his collar. “Be careful,” she said and he nodded.

Both Yonghwa and Jonghyun nodded their heads. Understanding each other’s signal, they walked out of the café with their handgun in hand. With all the people screaming, they detect anything. Eyes wondering around when a sudden shot was aimed to Yonghwa’s arm.

“Yonghwa!” Jonghyun called out and covered Yonghwa. He aimed his gun to the top of the building opposite the café. He saw someone. But his gun couldn’t reach that far. He cursed under his breath.

Raeyeon ran towards Yonghwa. “Yah! I told you to be careful!” she yelled at him.

Yonghwa smiled weakly. “You’re scolding me right now? For real?”

“Can you walk?”

“I got hit on the arm. I’m fine.” He said and stood up. He looked at Hyejin and Jonghyun. He was wondering whether this attack had something to do with them. “Get behind me,” he warned her and she did as she was told.

In the mass of panic, Shinman’s phone beeped. Showed there was a message coming from an unknown number. He opened it.

‘The party has begun..’ it said.

Hesitantly, he shoved his phone into his pocket and went out to see the situation. Whatever happens, the most important thing now, is to get the girls to a safe place.

The marksmen smirked as he saw the chaos he had create down below. “Pathetic humans,” he said and walked away.


p/s: well, that's the 3rd chapter. thanks for reading =)


  1. Ommo ommo ommo!!! This story is getting interesting. Aigoo... :)

  2. memang semua pelakon hebat2 belaka kann,Lee Teuk ada,Jaejonng ada :P haha. btw,cepat2 lah buat no.4 punye ye ;)


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